
Frequently asked questions

How do I find the right person to give my Noteworthy instrument to?

In truth, you will most probably meet quite a few people throughout your trip, who you think would be worthy beneficiaries of your Noteworthy musical instrument. It is completely up to you who you give your gift to. Most of the time, it will be towards the end of your journey, as you have been enjoying making music from your instrument. Speak to locals, be friendly and if there is no one person that you have felt a connection with during your trip, ask the whereabouts of a disadvantaged school or village, where your gift of music will influence the lives of many.

I have an old guitar I don't need anymore, can I donate it to Noteworthy?

Absolutely, simply contact us on noteworthytraveller@gmail.com and we will arrange pick up / delivery, and restore it to new condition, before giving it to someone who needs one.

I can’t find a cheap instrument to take, can you arrange one for me?

We encourage and prefer you to source your own instrument, however if you are unable to obtain any, we may be able to provide you with one via courier, or from selected pick up locations. Costs and conditions may apply.

Can I pay with a credit card?

Due to security reasons, we prefer to use Paypal or payment can be made by bank transfer. Please contact us for our bank account transfer details.

Does a percentage of Noteworthy merchandise sales go towards the purchase or distribution of musical instruments?

Yes, every t shirt sold puts a new set of strings on an unwanted guitar, or a minimum of 5% of sales goes towards the purchase or distribution of musical instruments where possible.

Can I check in my guitar on the plane in hand luggage?

It’s always worth asking politely as you check your other luggage in. If you’re not allowed, you will be directed to where you can leave your guitar at the oversized baggage area where it will travel with surfboards etc

Does your dog bite?

Definitely not! Her name is Gracie and she is a uniquely Australian breed known as a Kelpie, known for their incredible work ethic and friendliness.

Music on a human scale

So that’s it!
You get to have another instrument to play on your travels, while your good one sits safely at home. You get to make a difference to someone’s life by leaving your musical instrument with them in an act of compassion. You are actively supporting the sharing of music throughout the world, proving that as people, we have more things in common than we have differences. It is the sound of giving.

Giving Music Globally,
Thank you
Don Hearn, Founder